Textured Activism: Affect Theory and Transformational Politics in Transnational Queer Palestine-Solidarity Activism


  • Natalie Kouri-Towe University of Toronto


Affect theory, Queer Activism, Transnational Solidarity,


How do we conceptualize social and political transformation? What possibilities arise for our political imaginings when we examine the approaches and orientations of activist practice in the everyday? Using queer and affect theory, I examine dualistic thinking in social movement practices to propose a model for thinking about the ethics of solidarity in practice. I consider this model of solidarity though the texture of activism and by examining the everyday practices of solidarity in the queer Palestine movement.

De quelle façon concevons-nous la transformation sociale et politique? Quelles possibilités s’offrent à notre imagination politique lorsque nous examinons les approches et les orientations de l’activisme au quotidien? À l’aide de la théorie queer et de la théorie des affects, j’examine la pensée dualiste dans les pratiques des mouvements sociaux afin de proposer un modèle d’examen de l’éthique de la solidarité dans la pratique. Je considère ce modèle de solidarité selon la texture de l’activisme et en examinant les pratiques quotidiennes de la solidarité du mouvement queer palestinien.

Author Biography

  • Natalie Kouri-Towe, University of Toronto

    Natalie Kouri-Towe is a PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto in the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice in Education at OISE and the Collaborative Program in Women and Gender Studies. Her research examines the politics of solidarity and the emergence of contemporary transnational queer social movements.


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