A Moral Imperative: Retaining Women of Color in Science Education


  • Angela Johnson St. Mary's College of Maryland, teaches about equity and education, and her scholarship focuses on theorizing the experiences of women of color in the sciences as a lens to better understand how power is maintained and challenged.
  • Sybol Cook Anderson St. Mary's College of Maryland, specializes in social and political philosophy, especially recognition theory and the work of G.W.F. Hegel. She is author of Hegel's Theory of Recognition: From Oppression to Ethical Liberal Modernity.
  • Kathryn Norlock St. Mary's College of Maryland, is the author of Forgiveness from a Feminist Perspective and articles on feminist ethics, forgiveness, environmental ethics, and evil.


This article considers the experiences of a group of women science students of color who reported encountering moral injustices, including misrecognition, lack of peer support, and disregard for their altruistic motives. We contend that university science departments face a moral imperative to cultivate equal relationships and the altruistic power of science. Résumé Cet article considère les expériences d’un groupe d’étudiantes en science de couleur qui rapportèrent avoir rencontré des injustices morales, y compris le manque de considération, le manque d’appui par leurs pairs, et le manque d ‘égard envers leurs motifs altruistiques. Nous soutenons que les départements de science des universités font face à un impératif moral de cultiver des relations égales et le pouvoir altruistique de la science.


