"Get Thee to a Nunnery!": Uses of English Canadian Convent Archives Across Feminist Disciplines


  • Renée Bondy Renée Bondy is a writer and historian, currently teaching in the Women's Studies Program at the University of Windsor. She has published in Oral History Forum, and in Herizons and Bitch magazines.


The archives of Canadian convents house significant and plentiful resources. Until recent decades, these have been underutilized, particularly in English Canada. This paper examines the ways in which convent archives might be used by feminist researchers across the disciplines. Résumé Les archives des couvents canadiens renferment une abondance de ressources importantes, qui jusqu’à récemment ont été sous-utilisées, particulièrement au Canada anglais. Cet article étudie les façons don’t les archives des couvents peuvent être utilisées par les recherchistes féministes dans l’ensemble des disciplines.






Women's Studies In Focus