Interview with Norman Smith


  • Sikata Banerjee University of Victoria, is the author of <em>Warriors in Politics: Hinduism, Nationalism, Violence, and the Shiv Sena in India</em> and <em>Make Me a Man! Masculinity, Hinduism, and Nationalism in India</em>, as well as articles in <em>Women and Politics</em>, <em>Asian Survey</em>, <em>Women's Studies International Forum</em>, and <em>International Feminist Journal of Politics</em>. Her latest project is a book manuscript, <em>On the Borderlands of Nation, Empire and Gender: Armed Masculinity and Muscular Nationalism in India and Ireland</em>.
  • Norman Smith University of Guelph, conducts research in the areas of modern China, women's history, and the Northeast of China (Manchuria). He is the author of <em>Resisting Manchukuo: Chinese Women Writers and Japanese Occupation</em> and articles published in <em>Journal of</em> <em>Women's History</em>, <em>Modern China</em>, <em>Modern Asian Studies</em>, and <em>International History Review</em>. He is currently completing a manuscript on Chinese narratives of alcohol, opiate, and addiction in the popular culture of the Northeast of China in the early twentieth century, siting them at the intersection of gender ideals, consumer culture, and Japanese imperialism.


