Naked Breasts: Reading the Breast of Canada Calendars


  • Sal Renshaw


Body Image, Non-sexualized representation, Nudity, Women's Breasts,


In 2002 the first Breast of Canada calendar was launched amidst declarations of controversy from the mainstream press. The aesthetic images of women's breasts in the context of an educational health publication were considered too controversial. This paper looks at the goals of the calendar's producers to offer a non-commercial, non-sexual representation of women's breasts against the history of representation of women's bodies in Western culture.

Author Biography

  • Sal Renshaw
    Sal Renshaw teaches in the departments of Gender Equality and Social Justice and Religions and Cultures at Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario. Her research currently divides between feminist engagements with popular culture and feminist philosophy of religion. Sal is currently completing a book on the divine and love in the work of Hélène Cixous.


